Introduction/ cooking class

Author of this blog – Mari Nameshida

・Japanese cooking instructor
・Chinese herbal medicine Advisor
・Chinese herbal medicine dishes Instructor
・Registered Nurse
・Public Health Nurse
・Food lover

If you are interested in our Japanese cooking class in Tokyo, please visit this link:

Link to Japanese cooking lesson tokyo in Japan

I learned about the basics of Japanese cooking from my mom at a young age and also went to cooking/baking school. I really love cooking and I have just kept cooking for a long time. I also love traveling and I noticed that there were few chances to immerse yourself in the local culture and taste. I thought it would be very nice if there was a place that travelers could go to the local people’s homes and learn how to cook local cuisine and as a result learn more about the local people. That is why I started my cooking classes.

In addition, I have decided to start writing about Japanese food,  ingredients and recipes here–this blog.

I know that there’re many blogs about Japanese food or recipes everywhere but I also want to introduce and inherit our beautiful cultures through our dishes that nowadays most young people don’t care nor cherish so much here. I always believe that Japanese dishes have variable meanings more than just delicious food.

Here’s another reason, I love eating and traveling. And I noticed that there were few chances to immerse yourself in the local culture and taste when you go to foreign countries. Sometimes, when I learned the food I ate had some meanings, like cultural backgrounds or local people’s habitants, I was so excited and can understand that country more deeply always. I thought it would be very nice if there was a place that non-Japanese people could learn how to cook local cuisine and as a result learn more about the local people. That is why I started my blog.

I hope you will enjoy my recipes and know our cultures a little bit more through local dishes or life.

98 thoughts on “Introduction/ cooking class

  1. Many thanks for the follow. I read your post about the plum wine. Very similar process to the Vervain drink that is made here in Provence. Take a bottle and stuff it full of Vervain (verbena) leaves and then pour in 80% alcohol. Put the top on an leave it in a dark room for 3-4 weeks. Pour out the alcohol into a second bottle and add a sugar syrup to it to reduce alcohol level to say 40% and then keep it in the freezer or fridge. Drink sparingly 🙂 it has a beautiful flavour but is a strong drink.

    • Thank you for you comment. I am very interested in the Varvain drink you mentioned. Since I was in Provence for a trip last month, I should know about that. Thank you for your new insight.

  2. Thank you for following my blog! I’m so glad you did because your blog is full of wonderful recipes that remind me of my time in Japan 🙂 Really excited to try them out!

  3. Thank you for liking and following my blog… I wish I had met you before my trip to Japan. I would love a cooking class the next time I am in Tokyo!

  4. Thank you for following my blog – it’s still very early in the development stages 🙂 I’m actually quite interested in the health care industry and may ask you some questions about nursing 😉 I hope that’s ok! I look forward to reading your blog and making delicious Japanese meals 😉

  5. Thankyou for liking my post! As a new blogger it’s really inspiring to be noticed by someone like you! I love your recipes and will definitely be trying a few out at home, they look beautiful! 🙂

  6. Mari-san
    こんにちは。日本人の方ですね。うれしいです。Thanks for visitng my blog. You have a very nice blog! I admire anybody who likes cooking. I don’t really like cooking but I love to eat good food somebody else cooks. I wish I could eat what you cook ^^. I will return and check your blog periodically. がんばってくださいね。Good luck

  7. こんにちは! Thanks for following me! Your blog is so amazing!
    I’m looking forward to exploring your recipes and trying some out. よろしくお願いします。

  8. OMG i love your blog! japan is like my first love and i love everything about it ( especially its food and manga and anime) i’ve been bugging my mum to take me to japan for years.. the last time i went was when i was six:)

  9. So sad that i didn’t find your blog sooner, as i have just spent two weeks in Japan and now am hooked on Japanese food. The complexity of tastes and textures and range of cooking methods makes for a interesting cuisine. I have come away craving a particular dish which was served for breakfast – a silky tofu dish served cold with a miso (?) dressing? Would love it if you would post some information on the different ways of serving tofu. I look forward to following your blog…

  10. Thank you Mari for stopping by and following my blog. I love everything about Japan, so glad I found your blog! Will be learning a lot about Japan and Japanese cuisine from you 🙂

  11. Hi Mari, thank you for following my blog and I love your blog so much! In fact I am about to visit Japan for a holiday at the end of this year…your blog definitely gives me more insight on Japanese delicacies

  12. Mari, you’re blog looks like a lot of fun. I like the mix of travel, ‘food around Tokyo’ and recipes. I’ve made sushi before but it didn’t turn out, perhaps I should try again?
    Thanks very much for following my blog. I’m looking forward to more posts from your blog as well.

    • Hello, thank you so much for your comment. Wow you have cooked sushi? It is so easy to be seemed easy, but you need some tips to complete it. Anyway I am happy to know that you enjoy cooking Japanese food and appreciating its culture.

  13. Mari san, ありがとう for visiting phorenyatra. I share the same passion as you for traveling and immersing in local culture and cuisine! You have a wonderful blog, especially the wide variety of foods that you have covered and also connecting the foods to Japanese festivals.
    I am still only beginning to write my blog and I have lots and lots of material about Japan that I will add in the coming weeks. I hope you like it.

    • こんにちは、こちらこそありがとうございます! 同じような気持ちでできるなんて嬉しいです。 I am glad to know that you have same passion with me. I look forward to seeing your blog too.

  14. i absolutely love Japan and Japanese food! I loved your post about Matsuri (it was my fav to attend in Kobe when I lived there). Thanks for the follow, look forward to hearing from you 🙂 And look forward to all your posts and will try your vegetarian recipes! XX

    • Oh, you attend in Kobe? That is nice. I haven’t been to a Matsuri in West Japan Area, but it seems be different from Tokyo’s one.
      Besides, thank you for your request for the vegetarian recipes. If I have chance I would like to post it.

  15. Thanks for following my blog, I have loved Japanese food in the past but my doctors have told me not to eat it since my angioplasty last year. If you can come up with any salt-free, fat-free Japanese dishes for me to try, I would love that.

    • Thank you for your comment! I’m sorry that there’s no Japanese food without salt or soy sauce.. but I used to work for hospital as a nurse, and patients still ate Japanese food everyday. You can use less salt soy sauce for cooking and morevinegar 🙂 if you cook by yourself, i think you can have Japanes food.

    • Wow, conglatulations!! You know many of my friends saw your picture and they said you’re so beautiful 🙂 I told them you like Japan a lot then they’re very happy. Yes, please try some dishes when you cook, they’re so easy :)!xoxo

  16. Haha they did? Say thank you to them from me ^^, I will try to move to Japan in a couple of years! So wish me luck 😉
    I wanted try try to make the dishes you did teach us, but the only ingrediens I could find was the Chinese Yam…. (。-_-。) I need to look some more

  17. Hello,

    I just wanted to thank you for both visiting and following my blog. I’m glad that you liked it.

    I also took a look around your blog. I hope you don;t mind. It seems really interesting. I look forward to reading more from you.

  18. Thanks for following my blog. I find your blog interesting, too. I also love cooking, but I haven’t tried cooking any Japanese food. I worked in Japan before, so Japanese culture (including food) is like a second culture to me. 🙂

  19. Hi Mari, thank you so much for stopping by my blog so I could discover yours! So happy I did, because I just LOVE Japanese food! And it’s great to have such a fantastic source of information to learn to make more of this myself! It’s a really great blog you have! hugs, Sylvia 😉

  20. I am looking forward to following your blog! I have been in love with Japanese foods most of my life. Right now I am obsessed with ramen. I would love to be able to attend your classes… maybe someday! Cheers – Jeff

  21. Hi there, thank you for following my blog, it seems I may have stumbled upon your blog several times in my search for recipes thru a website search but never really registered the fact that it was a wordpress blog that I could follow 😛
    Looking forward to learning more about yummy japanese dishes!

  22. Hi Mari,
    Thank you for the follow! I started looking at your blog too and find that I can’t wait to try so many of your recipes eg the Melon buns. I also find your post about making miso very informative and interesting.

  23. ooh i’m really excited to follow your blog! i recently visited japan for a short few days, and was incredibly impressed and delighted by the food there. it was so good!

    also, i’m a nurse too. yea nurses! =D

  24. It’s nice to meet you Mari, I’m NyNy! Just wanted to stop by and say I like your posts.

    I hope when you have the time, you can check out some of mine and comment. I write about Asian pop culture and video games plus I’m still writing my travel entries when I went to Korea last year. I’d appreciate if you took a look 🙂

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